Exclusions during Ramadaan -Keep in check….

We have always read about food to eat during ramadaan, ideal sehri and iftaari options, fruits to be taken, etc etc. But have we ever wondered about some food practices that should be avoided during this holy month so that you can concentrate more on your ibaadat (your prayers and offerings to Allah) ? Let’s learn a few today…
1.  Avoid excess caffeine consumption during sehri – it dehydrates you in the day, making you feel more thirsty.
2. Leave the sugary foods for iftaari or dinner as having them in sehri will lead to frequent urination.
3. Too much fried and spicy food may cause gastric problems.
4. Inclusion of preserved and packaged foods daily will disrupt your digestion, can cause heartburn or bloating.
5. Heavy meals during ramadan may not only cause acid reflux, but may also eventually lead to weight related problems.
So, be assured to follow these pointers to ensure a smooth ramadaan kareem.

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