Look younger with Vitamin C

I am sure we all dream to look younger each day, especially on our birthdays! 😊

We are all exposed to lots of pollutants, dirt and toxic products- all thanks to our stressful lifestyle and workaholic nature! Have we realized what is the effect of all of these on our skin? Free radical attack, darkening of skin, acne, pigmentation issues, etc are just some of the effects. Hence, managing your skin should be in our daily health regimen. Don’t forget, proteins are of utmost importance, as everything in your body, including your skin is made up of proteins! And, VITAMIN-C also helps in keeping your skin young and healthy.


  • Protects your skin from the free radical damage – acts as an antioxidant
  • Stimulates the production of Collagen (aids in production of cells and blood vessels which give the skin its firmness and strength)
  • Aids in wound healing – helps the skin repair itself from scars and ligament tears
  • Acts as an antioxidant that brightens dark spots, smooths fine lines


So, which foods should we pick while shopping next time?

  • Grab oranges, sweetlime, lemons, amlas, kiwi, bellpeppers, guava, strawberry,tomatoes , broccoli and sprouts.
  • Use them wisely in forms of salads, soups, sauted veggies, fillings in your wraps, frankies, tacos, sandwiches, pulavs, etc.
  • Masala papads or khakra chaats with colourful veggies is another bright idea.
  • Lay your pizzas with bellpeppers, mushrooms, tomatoes and brocolli!


So, for a youthful and re-jenuvated skin, vitamin C is the magic wand! No wonder, most of our beauty and skin products are filed with this magic pill!







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