In todays’ SEDENTARY world, our physical activity has become the least! All thanks to our latest innovations and technologies. We are definitely less active than our ancestors as time and energy-saving devices have come into our lives (elevators, cars, etc) In our hectic and busy schedule, where is the time to indulge in some kind of physical activity? Inactivity will eventually increase the risk to various health disorders Presence of some kind of movement in our lives is a must! By being active, you NOT only decrease the risk to various health issues, but also, improve your longevity. Apart from this, there are other benefits like improved metabolism, rejuvenation, fat burn, improved sleep, etc.

So, let’s look at some simple ways of bringing in some kind of movement in our daily schedule:

  1. Elevators should be used in the time of emergency. Make a habit of taking the stairs daily.
  2. For smaller distances, go ahead and walk it up instead of taking a vehicle.
  3. Visit the market and buy fresh vegetables daily instead of ordering over the phone and bulking it up for the week.
  4. Stop ordering small things to the housemaid. Get up and do it yourself!
  5. Stroll while talking on the phone and stop attending calls on your office desk.
  6. Wanna meet your best friend? Gear up your walking shoes and take your friend for a stroll in the nearby garden, instead of heading towards the coffee shop.
  7. Don’t stick to your seat in office. Take a break from your work hours and stroll in the office corridors or your building compound-Go out for a short stroll during your lunch break.
  8. Avoid staying glued to the television with your kids. Instead, indulge in playing an active game with them.
  9. Park your vehicle a distance away from the destination and walk upto it.
  10. Pace around your house for 15-20mins after dinner to ensure some kind of movement before sleep.
  11. Indulge yourself in household chores regularly. Clean your house every 3-4 days, to keep you physically active and geared up!
  12. Use a pedometer to maintain the count of steps on a daily basis. For weight loss, maintain count of minimum 10000-12000 steps daily!

Unless we consciously decide to become more mobile in our everyday lives, we are likely to suffer from various unavoidable health issues like obesity, increased stress, etc. So, get up and put your hands on your walking shoes! Go ahead and get ACTIVE!!

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