Dietary and Health Measures for Omicron

Omicron! Oh my God! Yes, that’s the only word we hear from every second person we talk. The last
2 years have been very very different, difficult and compromising for a lot of us. And yet again, we
get to hear about the third wave due to an increase in the number of Omicron Cases, especially in
South Africa.
I am sure we are following the regular preventive measures such as wearing masks, ensuring
physical distancing and using sanitizers- but we must also prepare one’s body and immune system to
fight the virus.
Here are some tips to boost immunity:
 Stay Hydrated
Water has immense health benefits on our body. The transportation of disease-fighting immune
cells in our blood is more effective when your body is well hydrated. When you are dehydrated,
this circulation of cells slows down, which affects your immune system and hence, makes you
more susceptible to infections.
 Release Stress
Stress is surely a part and parcel of everyone’s life. It facilitates a bunch of diseases which in turn,
makes our immune system more fragile. Indulge yourself in certain stress management activities – it
could be anything – practicing a hobby, meditate, talk to a friend, travel, etc. Stay happy, stay
 Exercise Regularly
Indulge yourself in a minimum of 40mins of any physical activity daily and see the difference on your
immune system! Be it a normal walk, stepping a treadmill, going for cycling or hitting a gym- physical
activity will help you stay fit and strong – physically and mentally!
 Eat colorful food
A diet rich in vitamins and minerals ensures that you have a strong immune system. Include more
colorful foods like brinjal, bell peppers, lemon, citrus fruits, kiwi, carrots, strawberries, etc. The
anti-oxidants present in these foods strengthen your immune system.

 Regular Health Check-ups
Always keep a regular check on your blood parameters – Sugars, Vitamin D , Iron, Calcium, Vitamin
B12.It aids in the early detection of illness, making treatment more straightforward.
What are the basic symptoms of Omicron?
 Fever or chills
 Cough
 Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
 Fatigue
 Muscle or body aches
 Headache
 New loss of taste or smell
 Sore throat

So, keep a check on your health and boost your immunity naturally. When it comes to your health,
remember, you might NOT get a second chance.

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