Category Archives: Health & Nutrition

Eid ul adha – A time to feast

Yes, it’s that time when Muslims await to pray, await to ask for forgiveness and await to do islamic contributions in different ways.Obviously, not forgetting their best hobby too -they love to eat and feast!   We all know, EEid ul adha – A time to feasid ul adha (bakri Eid) calls for all delicious […]

The POWER of Vitamin-C- what can it do for your health?

So, ever since we are fighting against Corona, we are listening and talking about immunity, immunity and immunity! And there comes the conversation about VITAMIN-C- the super antioxidant, the immune -booster, etc   What exactly does it do? Protects your body cells from free radical attack Improves your skin Strengthens your teeth and gums Heals […]