Nourishing Mind and Body for Istifadiyah Ilmiyah

The spiritual and intellectual journey toward Istifadiyah Ilmiyah requires the highest concentration, effort, and devotion. Preparing for days of Sabaq, and post-lunch workshops, requires you to stay energized, remember things well, as well as strengthen your immunity. You may make sure that your mind is clear and prepared to take in the holy information shared at this auspicious occasion by taking good care of your body.

Vigor and Focus: Energizing Your Day

During Istifadiyah Ilmiyah, learning and reflection are the essential components. It’s critical to snack on meals that promote prolonged energy and improved brain function if you want to maintain high energy levels and an attentive mind. The following snacks are suggested:

  • Khakras: Crunchy and light, these are ideal for a rapid energy surge without making you feel weighed down.
  • Makhanas (Fox Nuts): Makhanas are high in antioxidants and low in calories, which helps you feel full and invigorated.
  • Murmuras (Puffed Rice): A portable, light snack that keeps away hunger.
  • Chana (Roasted): High in protein, chana keeps you feeling energized all day.
  • Trail Mix or Seeds: A variety of nuts and seeds, such as sunflower seeds, walnuts, and almonds, offer a rapid dose of protein and good fats.
  • Dates and Raisins: The natural sugars in these dehydrated fruits provide you a rapid energy boost, making them ideal for in-between meals.
  • Anjeer (dried figs): Anjeer, which is high in fiber and minerals, aids in maintaining healthy digestion and sharp mental focus.
  • Turmeric, honey and kalonji: Pack these in your luggage for additional health advantages. Turmeric aids in reducing inflammation, while honey and kalonji strengthen immunity.

Increasing Immunity: protecting yourself in Crowds

Building a healthy immune system is crucial since being in a huge gathering raises the danger of spreading infections. Start adding turmeric to your diet at least one month before to Istifadiyah Ilmiyah. Here are some recommendations:

– Warm Haldi Milk Before Bed: This boosts immunity and promotes sleep.
– Warm Haldi Water Three Times a Day: You can maintain a healthy and prepared immune             system by consuming this easy-to-make water throughout the day.

Rapid Energy Increase: snacking in Between Sabaqs

It’s crucial to have snacks during breaks that are handy and provide you a quick energy boost, such as:

  • Cranberries and Raisins: These tiny dried fruits provide you energy instantly.

  • Nuts: To get the energy you need for the next Sabaq, chew on a handful of almonds, walnuts, or pistachios.

Do’s and Don’ts

  1. Avoid Salted Nuts: These may make you retain more water. Choose unsalted ones to maintain your body’s balance.
  • Portion Control: While Moula TUS generously provides lunch and dinner, it’s crucial to watch how much you eat. Fatigue might result from eating too much.
  • Light Dinner: To ensure a comfortable night, keep dinner lighter than lunch because there won’t be any physical activity afterward.
  • Stay Hydrated: Throughout the day, drink enough water, sip on Glucon-D or other hydrating liquids. Stay away of caffeinated beverages because they may promote frequent urination, which could cause you to miss crucial Sabaqs.

Foods That Improve Spirituality and Memory

Add these particular foods to your diet to improve your spiritual experience and mental clarity:

  • Bottle gourd, or doodhi: Known for improving cognition, it aids in preserving the learnings of Aale Mohammad.
  • Pears: Offer vital nutrients that promote general well-being and detoxify the heart.

 Exercise: Maintaining An Active Body

Even though the emphasis is on ilm, it’s crucial to maintain physical activity to prevent stiffness, particularly in the legs:

  • Stretching: You can improve your muscles’ flexibility and lessen fatigue by performing quick stretches in the morning and evening.
  • Walking : Try to take quick strolls during breaks for better blood circulation, which also aids in sustaining focus.


In summary, being ready for Istifadiyah Ilmiyah involves more than just mental preparedness; it also involves making sure your body is in optimal condition to take in the precious knowledge. You can connect yourself with the physical and spiritual requirements of this auspicious event by maintaining an active lifestyle, increasing your immunity, and eating healthily.